I have one thing to insist on today: VOTE!
I have. We received the ballots in yesterday’s mail. Filled them out, sealed up the envelopes, dropped them off this morning. We have been waiting for … months? to vote. And now we have. Remember: VOTE!
Oregon votes by mail with lots of ballot drop off locations. It is the local library for us. I guess that for many of you this is not the case. If you are asked, lobby for a system for your state. It is a fantastic way to go about it.
So much for my soapboxing today.
This book, NOIR, is the longest book I have read since I had a stroke. It takes me longer than it used to to read a book. I am plowing through it. Slowly. I did note a bit of irritation with it. Digressions! Long ambling tales!! Unnecessary characters! Wait! Hold on Michael! What is your rush? What do you need the end of the story to come so quickly? This is not a bit of non-fiction that gives several bits of stories to set a stage because you won’t get the point of the story without the examples.
(I am looking at the writer for a news outlet.)
Yes, the book is a fiction to be enjoyed. That is the point of it, isn’t it? If not what is the point. of it?
There is a beer waiting. Well, OK, two beers. Perhaps three of them. The Southwest Gentlemans Association meets on the third Thursday of the month. Not that we have for quite a while. We are doing it tonight … tonight (wait, is that right? spelling wise?) I went out and bought some beer for tonight. I have known these guys since 1995 or 1996 or some tire back then. It was part of the Oregon Brew Crew. Since then OBC has changed and so have we. So we meet on our own. We are all certified judges and had some great palettes and it seems they have them still. I have fallen away from those refined taste buds. I have also lost 70+ pounds since then. I gave up the constant tasting to keep my palette trained. I am happier with less weight. There is plenty of beer to enjoy. And other things to enjoy also.
— MichaelRpdx :: osm5