3:00am Digressions

What is it about 3:00am? I wake up then. Not all the time. Enough to not like it. I have read that if you have trouble Sleeping, Get Up. I have taken to that. Today I am adding “no computer, no phone” rule to it, the getting up thing. When I get up I can write or read. My wife says it is OK to type. I do not want to disturb her. She can get back to sleep and I do not want to wake her. Maybe I can get back to sleep. Maybe not.

Today I followed through on the write and read plan and went back to sleep. I wrote “Morning Pages” and it went well. Two pages in 21 minutes. I tend to take 10 – 12 ménutes to write a page. After that, I enjoyed a novel. More on it later, after I finish it.

Side note: (much better now) In these One Typed Pages run 250 to 440 words. When I was a beer journalist I would write 1000 – 1200 words per column. It seems that I need to work on my stamina. A novel? Short story? That is a whole bunch more words. Another side note: when I was in radio a 30-second spot, advertisement, was around 100 words give or take a few. That kinda spoiled me for long wordy explanations. Say it quickly get what you can in your 30 seconds. It in very languorous to take the words, to take the explanation, to take the reflection, to say what you have to say. Yeah, I am trying for that. In these few hundred words. My side notes are getting to be longer than what I started with. Let me see what I say side note, digression, on next.

Ballots are … wait, sorry, I am not going into that topic.

I think, wait back up here. After my stroke I had problems reading. I could not read a book. Two items, 1) I could not concentrate on a book while reading it, 2) I could not physically read a page. The second one was helped with therapy. The concentration was helped by summarizing each chapter. Perhaps I can reverse that bit, write an idea. Expand it. Expand it again.

This is thinking out loud. It is time to go off and think out loud with a pen or pencil and something to write on Probably a journal. That means …

Hold those thoughts, thoughts, something. I will be back.

— MichaelRpdx :: ih3k

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