Forgetting and Bread

I keep forgetting. So I went back and read “About Us” Which is just titled “About” by Daniel. And it starts “Send me your page.” Which I do not do enough. Because? I had to have an idea, something, to type about. Coming, up with something you have to say is, for me, kinda backwards. I have to type to have something to say. So here we are, coming up with something to type about. (and if I do come up with something, type it first. Then you can type a paragraph like this on explaining it. There was something I had in mind to type. What was it?)

I keep forgetting. Kent passed along a sentence from Gandhi, “There is more to life than increasing its speed.” Gol darn if that does not sound good and right and something to remember. When did he say that? In what context? What motivated him to say that, aside from being a guy that said lots of things for us to admire. So I set off to look it up. The first thing I found was lots of sites that quote people. That is just dandy for wanting to ensure you are quoting him correctly. But nothing on when or why he said it. I added ‘Gandhi said “There is …” in’ that was not helpful. I added “-quote” to the search. That got rid of all the quote sites. Now I was full of sites Saying ‘Gandhi said “There is …” in..’ I am going to keep looking. There has to be a source somewhere.

I keep forgetting. Two rabbit holes down so far. What next? In “Morning Pages” I have fewer troubles getting something onto the page. I have gone to two pages per day, It takes about half an hour, cleans out my brain, and has me ready for the day. That for some reason does not happen here. OK, it is not first thing in the morning. I have cleaned out my brain and had most of the day go on by. Ahhh! I have remembered.

I just cannot start a page of typing without an idea. Well, as you can see from what I’ve typed so far there is that method. Most of the time you don’t need a starter. You do need one for baking bread. Sourdough bread is something you need to have prepped up. You cannot just decide mid-afternoon that whipping up a loaf of bread would be dandy. No, you need to have a starter ready to go. I have things like baking bread that need to be planned. Which I did today and again it worked. A nice loaf of bread, I guess you could pick up a loaf at a bakery. But that is like getting something from Facebook. You just don’t get the same satisfaction from the bread by buying it.

— MichaelRpdx :: ih3k

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