
In September 2016 I started a consistent practice of meditation. I had found a YouTube video about meditation featuring Dan Harris. It was an animated thing. It talked about how one did not need to wear special clothing or sit in funny postures. To do it you just sat and paid attention to your breathing. That is it. Now, your brain, your mind is going to go off on tangents. Like “what’s for lunch” or “did I really have to make that dumb comment to my boss?” Whenever you do, and you will, you allow the thoughts to go away and you pay attention at to your breath. Again. And again. And again. That is the point of meditation, to “fail” at keeping your breath in mind noticing that you are thinking about whatever and going back to paying attention to your breath. And again. That, the return to paying attention to your breathing, is the point of meditation. Because you will. Everyone does. I certainly do. I notice that I am thinking about something and I need to think about it later because right now I am meditating.

I have been doing it for over four years now. I had meditated before. But it never stuck. Early on I did not “get it” Or really anything about it. This goes back to 1976 or so. Didn’t get it, tossed it aside, went on to other things in life. In 2016 it stuck and, I think, I got it. I have certainly calmed down. Or as Dan Harris discovered he knew meditation was affecting him as he overheard his wife at a cocktail party say “he’s less of an asshole now.” I didn’t have that kind of epiphany like that. But I do feel better. A little bit every day.

— MichaelRpdx :: ih3k

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