
I received a pair of-new plaid shirts today. As a result, I need to go through my closet to find shirts or something to pass along. I have more than enough clothing. I am not a minimalist. I do need to keep the inventory down. But what to rid myself of? My wife suggests faded clothing. It is fine for around the house. It is not fine to wear when we go out into the world. (Hopefully, someday.) But I have to confess to liking the faded clothing. Because it has beausage.

Beausage? You have never heard of it? Part of the reason is that “beausage” is not a recognized word. It would be good to change that. For it to happen is to have lots of people use it. What is it and why? Beausage was invented, coined by Grant Peterson of Rivendell Bicycles. It means “beauty through use” and the word is a combination of beauty and usage.

Beausage is faded jeans, a worn off bit of paint on a bicycle, the creases in a book, baking pans with baked-on bits. Beausage is never present in something that is new, like jeans with tears in them.

Beausage! Use the word and spread the word to other people so they can use it and, I hope, enough people will use it that I will be able to find it in a dictionary.

— MichalRpdx :: ih3k

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