What Do You Consume?

“These are people. That’s right. They are people and we throw them away. And you wanna know why? Because they have committed the greatest sin of all in this country. These people have stopped consuming. And so we throw them away.” “They’re broken consumers.”

That comes from Tori – Pacific Northwest (Tori PNW?) and it is part of the series. “The Series” not the book or the movie, the series. It comes from Apple TV(a plus symbol, not available on my typewriter) Apple TV-+ (hand drawn) Just $4.99/month That quote came from https://youtu.be/d0TShy9fT30 (a O or a 0? those can be different depending on the typewriter) Tori used this as a closure to her great discussion of ® “Use it up. Wear it out…” a quotation from 1940’s slogan. She does not think it will be an effective approach for today’s people. (and they are very different on a computer, a cap o in this case)

Tori – I am with you on this issue.

Will we listen to storytellers? Storytellers instead of reading books, watching TV, watching videos? With enough consumption will we have a choice?

This paper comes to you from a company (why| name names?) sending me Get Our Card’ mailings. There are two big problems with these emails. First: I have one, those mailings are a waste. Seconds I have| signed up for paperless delivery of everything. Their marketing department needs to catch up with the rest of the company.

Actually, I do not like to use paper like this one. Plain white paper is good for me. Yes, it is kind of cute(?), or whatever to type on paper bags. It just does Sot do it for me. We do not seem to be doing much for the environment to use paper bags that we should not have used in the first place.

And what the? what then? There is a store here that does not stack or stock paper or plastic bags. They will offer you) a box, if they have one. Or you can buy one of those questionable bags. Or you can bring one of the questionable ones, provided you remembered to bring one inside the store with you.

My, aren’t we a grumpy old man today?
Yes, I started with driving at the speed limit all the time and everywhere.
Now I am going on about reusing stuff, like paper bags, for a One Typed Page.
Get ready to hear me shouting at people on my lawn.

Yeah well this is enough for me today. You do not need to read my stuff here. Arrghh.

I will return with ideas for…

— MichaelRpdx :: rkmm

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