Spelling, Responding, Procrastination

Oh, Frances, you made me laugh. 66 years old and still getting the e-i and i-e mixed up? Have you looked at my spelling letly? Layely? Go whenever you are feeling down about it go review my typing. Not only the stuff that gets through but if you look closely you will see those things that I erased and corrected. And, AND I qualified as an English major in college. Can you imagine? Really, it is not too weird to get the spelling mixed up. You are aware of the issue. That counts for a whole lot.

I had mentioned Italo Calvino. But not just any, the If On A Winter’s Night A Traveler. That Italo Calvino. Yay! for Palm Springs Noir. Something to look forward to. I just need to practice my reading skills. (Apologies to any of you that that also mentioned Italo Calvino.)

There was a person I owed a letter to. Meaning I had received a letter from that person. It was not a bill. It was not a reminder to have my car serviced. It was not a credit card offer. It was a chatty letter. One from a person to a person. There were questions to be answered.

So I went looking for my notes on it. It was so deserving that I made notes about what to include in my response. I kept flipping backward through my sketch journal. And I kept going backward. I was sure it was in my current edition (is that what you call a book in a series of journals? All in the same type of composition I use for these.) As I was nearing that start that would compel me to start over and looking again I found it. Dated 2020-11-21, I date everything so I know when I did things. November 21? Holy cow.

I had put off the response to work on my handwriting. The letter to me was in handwriting. So must be the response. I found a wonderful woman on YouTube that teaches calligraphy, no, casino, no it is called cursive writing. (She teaches calligraphy also) I did part one. Then I delayed doing parts two and beyond. I procrastinated. I have plenty of paper. I have plenty of ink, oh boy do I have plenty of ink. And pens to put them into. So I found the notes on the letter and wrote a response. After more than two months.

Now here is the thing, while I was looking for the original letter to clarify one of my notes I did not find it. It is here somewhere. Just no place that I had looked for it. What I did find was a printed out article “How To Overcome Procrastination Based On Ancient Philosophy” It was printed out for me to read and learn from. Because Procrastination, Yep. I have it here to read. It seems that I found this article on November 22, 2020,

Procrastination can be your friend. Once in a few things. Not in this case. Not by a long case in this one.

— MichaelRpdx :: rkmm 1988

Handwriting and Fruit

Remember “Groundhog Day”? 1993 movie with Bill Murray and Andie MacDowall about where you hope you do not wake up tomorrow. We watched it today. It held up well. Well, with a Spanish soundtrack and English subtitles. It was a good time.

InCoWriMo, International Correspondence Writing Month (or something like that) is off to a great start. I have collected about 150 addresses of people not in the USA. There are people in every continent except for Antarctica. Obviously, you can write to people in your own country.

It is just called International to encourage people to expand their horizons. I have, so far, sent a letter to a person in the US and a person across the seas, or beyond the borders. Gotta count the people in Mexico and Canada.

*  *  *  *

We brought plants in from the outdoors. These are potted plants. They are not hardy enough to be out in the cold of winter. One of them bloomed and fruited. One of them we had for so long my wife had forgotten what it was. There were several small fruits. The first fruits ever. We’re sure they are tangerines. Now for them to deepen in color so we can taste them. Excitement!

Not Dog Days

If you invert the seasons, to switch us from six weeks after the shortest day of the year to the longest day of the year,

now let us pause.

Pause for 24 hours. Consider a day, well no. Not yet. We pause for 24 hours and watch a killer great thing called Lupin. That sets my mind. It has me thinking differently. But, yeah, about the weather. The longest day of the year, if things were reversed. We are getting into the dog days of summer. You know what they are like. Except now, it is winter with the shortest days of the year. And they do not call them the dog days. They do not, As far as I know, have a similar playing with words for these days. The coldest days of the year. But they are here. With the coldest days all around us.

So invert your thinking if that gives you some warmth. You will need it. Sometime. Not all the time, but sometimes. It is on its way.

Now I had something on my mind. What was it?

~~ MichaelRpdx :: rh3k

Normal Covid Days

Type a page daily. Write pages in the morning, Morning Pages. Read something, like Atomic Habits or Ego is the Enemy. Have coffee with my wife. Think about lunch. Take my blood pressure. Roast some coffee. Reflect on the things I have read. Take a walk, or think about doing that in the rain and the cold. Read some more. Watch a video or two on YouTube. Practice Spanish, Latin, and Esperanto. Meditate for at least a few minutes.

On a not normal day, I will go shopping with my masks. I will go to Costco. Or Trader Joe’s, a very rare happening, for the second time today. Monthly I will visit my doctor’s office, have a finger pricked, and find out how my INR is. If it is Sunday, I will go to Safeway and get a copy of the New York Times.

Those are my normal days and my not quite normal days. Those are my Covid days. I am sure I have forgotten some things that I do and do them without thinking about them. Meditation leads to a lot of those things.

Thise are the things that make up my days. Mostly.

—-— MichaelRpdx :: ih3k

Replying to Others

If On A Winter’s Night A Traveler, from Italo Calvino, have I recommended it to you yet? I think Barbara and her 50 pages of novels will enjoy it quite a bit. I recall wanting to throw it across the room. Because, well I cannot tell you why. I do not do spoilers. But, Oh my, what a plot, what a characterization, what a bunch of things I cannot tell you about without spoiling it.

It came to me from a coworker. She said it was her favorite book. But she would say no more about it. So I bought it. So I read it. So I understood why she liked it. I need to reread it.

Rose mentioned a book, a good book On Writing Well that she bought for $4.00. As an eBay add on. Now there are some binding the brain things that she references. But I had to have my own copy. Could I do it for four dollars also? I missed by nine cents. More on this when I have one.

A little Royal, a portable typewriter, taken into a coffee shop. With permission. I just assume that things are going to work out just fine. I plan with optimism and execute with pessimism. Or something like that. But I imagine a coffee shop with piped-in music, a little loud for my tastes. People talking, many with raised voices. How could anyone complain and I think, “they are going to notice my clacking of my typewriter? Or maybe it is the quietness of my hearing without my hearing aids. It is really quiet without them in.

Boxes of books eight for her and an unknown number for him. Those are going to weigh a ton, Empyting a moving truck always goes so much faster than loading it. I am looking forward to the moving process. And I am not even involved in the move. Hooray for them.

We have a bunch of stationary from my in-laws. I have 28 days of things to write to people. I have a couple of people that I am indebted with letters. Sorry readers, I should have sent you a letter earlier as a bit of practice, if nothing else. February is going to be a busy month for writing. Morning Pages, a correspondence, One Typed Page, and tracking it all. Yep, a busy month. With Lent coming up on the 17th. No, I am not Catholic or other religion that practices Lent. Back a few years ago I got involved as a joke. Then it was over and I thought to myself it was a great ritual. And I have given something up each year. Hey, it is only 40 days. Certainly, I can give up anything. Or so it seems.

— MichaelRpdx rkmm 1948

Stamps and Winter

I went out to buy stamps yesterday. $1.20 per stamp. They are forever stamps for international postage. Anywhere in the world for $1.20. What a bargain! I wore a fall weight coat. It can keep you warm in the autumnal weather. It is not intended for cold weather. Weather like winds in the skies with rain falling. Or as I found out, weather like a windy day pushing snow about. It was bracing. It was chilly. It was a wait outside the library for a woman getting books. I felt the cold without getting cold. Are you familiar with the distinction? Feeling the cold all over your skin without getting into your core and making you cold. It felt good to feel the cold without getting cold.

— MichaelRpdx rkmm

Another Quiet De Luxe

That battered Royal Quiet De Luxe, the one I described last night. That neglected machine did live on a happy life, if I can fantasize about the life of being a typewriter. This one, the 1948 Royal Quiet de Luxe had a home in a university. Stanford a pretty nice place if you can get admitted. In the Chemistry Department, this typewriter lived. Yes, a prior owner was a Chemistry Professor at Stanford.

A few years later another Royal Quiet De Luxe was born into life. This one lived, or should I say lives?, a nicer life. Perhaps it was stored in a place where it looks pretty nice. All seems to work. All except for the backplate. That seems to have met up with a pole, or a sharp edge of a desk, or something that has bashed it in. Because of that, it seems few people were interested in it. I saw many of them at prices of $250, $350. Not this one with a dented part. It was going for much less. So I asked for the serial number and found it in 1951. It should arrive in 10 days or so.

Now, what was I saying about desktop typewriters? Did I say something about a collection of typewriters? I am now at three Hermes and three Royals. (I am only counting the live ones.) I am not sure what to do about this. Besides be thankful for my wife. She is OK with my typewriter collection as long as I stay happy with it. So, I am going to stay happy with my typewriters.

— MichaelRpdx rkmm ’48

1946 Quiet De Luxe Royal

In 1938 the Royal company began production of the “quiet” typewriter line of machines. The A model being a first. It would go on to become a first in the “Quiet De Luxe” line of typewriters. Production of the line continued until 1944 when manufacturing was discontinued due to the war. In 1946 it resumed and we had a model, A-1274462, was created.

This typewriter went about its life until it became the property of Phyllis, a friend of my wife. Phyllis dumped the typewriter on us. I do not recall her asking. She was moving and did not want to take it with her.

We left it on the back porch until the fall arrived. I took it down into the basement. Fortunately, the smell had dissipated. That musty smell that can infect the case that it traveled in. I re-discovered the machine today while “cleaning the basement.” Testing shows that one key, the N, is the only one that can or will travel up and kiss the platen.

I do not know if it is worthwhile, well wait, it is not the case of it being worthwhile, it must be worthwhile. They are not making more of these typewriters. I do not know if the years of neglect have rendered it un-fixable. It seems like a fine machine under the hood, But, wow, there does seem like a bunch of stuff to be done to it.

— MichaelRpdx rkmm 1948

PS – Why yes, I am asking for your opinions on this typewriter. And how much I am getting into with undertaking its repair.

Sunday Morning Typewriter Gathering

People online in record numbers, that was the scene today in the world of The Poor Typist’s weekly typers type in? gathering? Whatever it was it was a crowd on the screen and in the audience. I was there in the audience. I was there by a happenstance. I just happened to be on YouTube and saw them gathering. (Which is aided by subscribing to The Poor Typists channel) So I fired it up and enjoyed it plenty.

They talked of many things, like going to Ace Hardware and buying a couple of rubber grommets and using them for feet. Talked of Munk’s cast to make other types of feet that he cast there and has some pretty nice looking things. It is a place to have something to do because there are three and a half hours of conversation going on. Which I did. Perhaps Joe Van Cleave or Dato will chime in on it.

There was talk about the similarity between typewriters and Fountain Pens. Which lead to a mention of “An Ink Guy”, a channel with daily posts that are reviews of inks. Holy Shit, this guy is detailed in his reviews. A chromatography swatch, testing of inks with three different sized nibs, testing of its viscosity and drying time, and samples of the ink being used on different papers, a selection of its complementary color, and final words including “would you buy it.” Obviously, the buying decision is his along, but it ia an honest one. I have seen one with a “no” verdict. But he gives strong supporting reasons for that decision. The complimentary call is for a specific ink. It gives you a nice side by side for them and a link to a sample of the ink to use as a next point of exploration.

It was fun all around and you don’t need to keep it all to typewriters. Three and a half hours – if your Sunday morning is lacking for something to do, drop on in and enjoy yourself,

— MichaelRpdx rkmm 1948


There is a group of people who will be exchanging mail in February. It is the InCoWriMo, aka the International Correspondence Writing Month group. It exists to “Challenges you to hand-write and mail/deliver one letter, card, note or postcard every day during the month of February.” This has been going on since 2014. (? about seven years now) You can miss a day, just write two the next. You do not need to write to a different person each day. It must be hand-written. Though I expect there are people who will typewrite them. A fun part for me is to write to people I do not know. And for that, they have a web page where people can list their address. As I have done. I also went through all of them and found there are about 90+ people who do not live in the USA. And, there are people in every continent of the world. Of them, 26 indicate they will reply or respond to every letter they receive. There are, as you might expect, several people who are doing this for the first time. Me included. At least one who has been there since the group was started. There is a nurse who will not be doing it again this year because of the Covid weight on her time and energy. Some people are submitting their Instagram addresses as part of their introductions. 28 letters or cards starting in a week or so. I must admit it is a lot of writing to do. Hmmm, kinda like this.

— MichaelRpdx, ih3k