Sunday Morning Typewriter Gathering

People online in record numbers, that was the scene today in the world of The Poor Typist’s weekly typers type in? gathering? Whatever it was it was a crowd on the screen and in the audience. I was there in the audience. I was there by a happenstance. I just happened to be on YouTube and saw them gathering. (Which is aided by subscribing to The Poor Typists channel) So I fired it up and enjoyed it plenty.

They talked of many things, like going to Ace Hardware and buying a couple of rubber grommets and using them for feet. Talked of Munk’s cast to make other types of feet that he cast there and has some pretty nice looking things. It is a place to have something to do because there are three and a half hours of conversation going on. Which I did. Perhaps Joe Van Cleave or Dato will chime in on it.

There was talk about the similarity between typewriters and Fountain Pens. Which lead to a mention of “An Ink Guy”, a channel with daily posts that are reviews of inks. Holy Shit, this guy is detailed in his reviews. A chromatography swatch, testing of inks with three different sized nibs, testing of its viscosity and drying time, and samples of the ink being used on different papers, a selection of its complementary color, and final words including “would you buy it.” Obviously, the buying decision is his along, but it ia an honest one. I have seen one with a “no” verdict. But he gives strong supporting reasons for that decision. The complimentary call is for a specific ink. It gives you a nice side by side for them and a link to a sample of the ink to use as a next point of exploration.

It was fun all around and you don’t need to keep it all to typewriters. Three and a half hours – if your Sunday morning is lacking for something to do, drop on in and enjoy yourself,

— MichaelRpdx rkmm 1948

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