Not Dog Days

If you invert the seasons, to switch us from six weeks after the shortest day of the year to the longest day of the year,

now let us pause.

Pause for 24 hours. Consider a day, well no. Not yet. We pause for 24 hours and watch a killer great thing called Lupin. That sets my mind. It has me thinking differently. But, yeah, about the weather. The longest day of the year, if things were reversed. We are getting into the dog days of summer. You know what they are like. Except now, it is winter with the shortest days of the year. And they do not call them the dog days. They do not, As far as I know, have a similar playing with words for these days. The coldest days of the year. But they are here. With the coldest days all around us.

So invert your thinking if that gives you some warmth. You will need it. Sometime. Not all the time, but sometimes. It is on its way.

Now I had something on my mind. What was it?

~~ MichaelRpdx :: rh3k

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