Kangaroos and Oregon Laws

Well, now that this whole election thing is over except for the counting, it is time to move on to important things. There are lots of things to consider, for instance, ownership of animals. Like kangaroos. Were you aware that 37 states ban kangaroo ownership outright? Another 10 restrict ownership to people with “permits”? But there are a blessed three that allow ownership outright. Yes, three, just three, states in the fine country we reside in allow kangaroo ownership without restriction. You can verify my claim by searching for “kangaroo ownership legality united states” and maybe add “mapporn” to narrow the search a bit.

Do that and you will see a map with three green states doing things the right way. South Carolina, West Virginia, and (well lookee here!) Wisconsin. That would be the future home of Kent. I pointed out this great blessing of his relocating to the cheese state. He forwarded the idea to his wife. She came back with a “no kangaroo. Inkling would freak.” I, personally, believe this underestimates Inkling’s tolerance for other animals and his desire for a warm and cuddly place to stay. Can you imagine being a cat with a mobile place to stay? The ‘roos pouch has to be a wonderful place to stay.

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In other election news, we turn to Oregon. We have joined Portugal in our legalization of all drugs. All of them. This makes “a personal non-commercial possession of a controlled substance no more than a Class E violation (max fine of $100 fine)”. Perhaps we were getting ready for another winner for the white house. The program is going to be funded by taxes on our already legal marijuana industry. But that is not all. Measure 109 “Psilocybin Mushroom Services Program Initiative” authorizes the Oregon Health Authority to creat a program to license the administration of psilocybin-producing mushrooms. Oregon is the first in both of these matters. No rush to move here. It will take a while to get things set up. And it is a lot cheaper than moving to Portugal.

That is it for Oregon changes to the laws. Well, the notable ones. Yes, we did vote to fund the libraries, provide daycare for free, a police oversight committee, and other items to spend our money on.

-— MichaelRpdx :: ih3k

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