Whole Lot Of Writing Coming Up

I was never into it. Oops, you should not start a sentence or a paragraph with “I”, But I did. But there, or rather here, I was/am listening to something I do not want to spend my Sunday mornings, or really any chunk of time participating, well that isn’t right either. But tonight here I am listening to it, and usually watching it too. (Hi Eric, Hi Gregory) (Hi Joe) (Hi YYZ, ABQ, PDXers) (YYC?)

I was going to cook dinner for myself. and what to do? So I grabbed a thing that would last through the time to get dinner ready without needing to hunt down and start another thing. There I was listening and watching (once in a while) and they were talking about NaNoWriMo.

50,000 words in a month. Not to get something ready to publish.  Get something down in and on the paper 50,000 words. If you are typing it and do go with single spacing, no, no, make that double spacing. This is a first draft and you want those blank lines to write in some in the half-lines. But thing is that works out to about, seven or eight pages a day. Every day. Give yourself a few days off, maybe one day a week and a couple of pages a day get a couple of days “in the bank”. So, SO, Any of you going to take a stab at it?

Now there was something I had planned to write about tonight, today. What was it? Where would I take my typewriter? Ona porch, any porch with a view. Heated somehow. Then type the day away.

That was not my original idea, but since I cannot remember it. It seems like a good substitute.

—- MichaelRpdx :: rkmm

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