TK Thoughts

Dueling Typewriters / kinda storta. We are typing there Typing here, in Portland, Oregon. Across the table. That is what we are up to. Got a TK or three or more, or so I hope.

What? You may be asking. What is going on here? We are doing typing duels, like Piano Duels. Two of us typing across from each other. Typing at a dining table. No desks, no working places, it is the dining table, where we So recently had dinner ( Typing to have ideas and get Mac and Cheese) And here we are. getting them written down before they are forgotten. Forgotten again.

The last time I appeared here I was confessing about my lust, my glut of books, so many of and they stack up and wait forlorn for me. the kind I get and I have them ready to read, and they wait to pick them up and read them.

So there I was and here I am and I have a pile of TK ideas. Have you ever tried to research TKs? I found it to be incredibly hard. There was not too much, well two items, but not too much on what TK means. (It is a proofing thing where you write TK for To Come for an idea you have or a page reference, or a thing to write about right now, anything that you do not have time for and it will come. TK because the letters because they do not appear close to each other, so you can search for TK and find them and nothing else. See The Magic of TK, from Steven Pressfield a part of his Writing Wednesdays series, that should be enough to find)

So I have a lot of TK things, things to write/type about the big difference being that today I am actually typing one or more of items. By the way, the other duelist is Kent Peterson who is visiting for a couple of days. Yep, 1t took some gentle “You can type something” (not a Quote, but it sounded good, so I typed it.)

Remember the first of the month?, as In April Fool’s day? I was going to appear here and talk, write about being there all the time for awhile. You know where that Idea went. There was a Slap, which I thought deserved no attention. I have said enough on that matter. Do you, might you have an idea for getting out and exercising? I need encouragement on that matter, I need to get out more. Only I prefer to read and write and not get out and exercise.

Boy I hope you could decipher the typing here. I am pretty sure it is not close to being spelled or typed or anything else (as in a train of thought) Kent had finished typing his file so this has become a solo typewriter sound.

More thoughts tomorrow.

— MichaelRpdx :: ih3k :: 2022-04-07

(lots of spelling cleaned up here)

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