Three Hours of Listening

At 7:00 am, is that early to you? It did not use to be early for me. But that was the time it was set for. It was an hour of talk, all in English, about learning languages. It was not even about teaching you a language. It was about how to learn a language on your own. And, it seems, that is the largest difference between polyglots and normal people, the difference between people who struggle to learn a language and the people who learn three, four, or in the case of the woman speaking, nine languages. Polyglots like languages. They like languages enough that they come up with ways to learn a language.

And they do. Oh, that is another difference to polyglots and ?? normal people, they really like just knowing a language. I am looking into it. Not to learn a bunch of languages. But to learn the languages I am learning better.

The podcast segment was one I have had open on my browser for weeks. Tim Ferris interviewing Dan Harris. Dan Harris is, among other things, a leader in meditation. It was interesting. I have books on hold at the library. It is easy enough to find, just look for a Tim Ferris source. I don’t want to spoil it for you.

Three hours today? Yes, it was a big thing to do, but they are done. I had a longish walk in between them,

— MichaelRpdx :: rkmm/48

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