Thoughts Wandering

It is a quiet night. There is no conversation. Just an occasional turning of a page, just thuck thunk of a typewriter. Just a single typewriter punctuating the silence. My brain is interrupting the silence with the thoughts providing what passes for an interruption of “hey, did you know?” We had a couple days of people bringing up ideas and ruminations. But those days are gone as the Petersons have boarded a train for points east, not quite two-thirds of the way across the continent. Google seems optimistic, claiming the trip to ST Paul, MN is a 26-hour drive. No stopping? A single driver? It seems they are figuring 67 miles per hour average. At least that is what my math says. Drive time with no stops. Well, I guess that is what they can do. I will need to remember this when I check Google and plan my driving to Billings for the family reunion this summer.

My brain is interrupting what I had been saying, or typing and carried these words through 4 pair or three paragraphs there. First drafts allow that kind of thing to occur.

It is the one thing I have to do every day, 4 One Typed Page. That is what Kent said. You will note that he does appear here every day. My everyday things to do not include One Type Page writing, It does include meditation and studying of foreign languages. Mostly Spanish and Esperanto. My meditation started in September 9016 and has mostly continued since then, so that is, what? five and a half years? Something like that. According to Duolingo, I started there in December 2013, so nine and a half years there. I know there was some interruptions there. So yeah. So what?

I believe I will give this some thought.

~~ MichaelRpdx :: ih3k :: 2022-04-09

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