Spanish Radio

I am listening to “La Voz del Tomebamba”, The Voice of the Tomebamba. El Tomebamba is a place in Ecuador. The voice of it is a radio station that I get via TuneIn. I listen to voice radio from around the world. Well, for me it is mostly to places in Mexico and Central and South America. I catch a few words or phrases. I was recently reminded of the importance of listening to a language you are learning. Listen to it even if you do not understand it. Frankly, it is also like listening to music. I have hunted out several stations. Another favorite is “Radio Mujer”, Radio Women. Right now it is playing “Linea Médica”, Medical Line. It is now playing “Un Cafe Contingo” (why am I not on my Hermes International 3000??) or A Coffee with You. I used to listen to an afternoon show called “En La Casa de ___” cannot remember the name of the woman who hosted it. “In the House of What made it especially good for listening was the subject of food. You gotta love that. But then it was a cooking show. So they gave out recipes. Slowly. With a repetition. Slow and repeating? Oh yes, that is a way to listen to something to learn from. So, anyway, I am listening again. For the music sounds of a language you don’t know and the glimmer of understanding.

You know, of course, there are radio stations for every imaginable language.
Like Esperanto.

Esperanto? This sounds interesting.

— MichaelRpdx :: rkmn/48

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