First Time since 1814

In the early 70s I was walking out when my Dad stopped me. “You should watch this. You should be interested in it. In any other country, they would be doing it with tanks.” He was referring to the proceedings surrounding President Nixon and the question of whether or not he should be impeached. I was too young to really care about it, politics.

No, I did not watch it. Since that time I have watched some elections until we knew who had won. But there were two other times I have watched TV to see what was going on in our country. The first time was 9/11. I had heard the unbelievable, at the time when she heard it on the phone and told all of us on the bus about a plane being flown into a building. It was unbelievable when she told us. Later on it became believable. As did the second plane and the third. And the third. I do recall those days, the day in which the planes crashed and the following days as we discovered the horrors that were uncovered.

Today I received a call from my Mom. Was I watching the news? People were storming the capital building. They had evacuated the Senators and Representatives. By that time I was watching the news. The stairs were filled with people who were saying to stop the count. The police were outnumbered, vastly outnumbered.

I have watched it ever since. The first time since 1814 when the capitol building was last attacked and broken into. There have been many people more eloquent than I who have spoken on the happening of the day. I will continue to watch it tonight. They have vowed to complete the job tonight.

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How about those guys in Georgia? A black baptist and a Jewish guy, both elected to the US Senate. What a day.

-~ MichaelRpdx :: ih3k

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