Daily Do

I do not always do a One Typed Page. Obviously, today I am. Today: What do I do every day?

Sure there is eating and coffee drinking with my wife. Take my meds, brush my teeth. The list that will follow is my things that I do from a decision. Well, hang on, you will, I think, come to understand.

Morning Pages – I have been doing them since 2015. Mostly every day as soon as I wake up I write. This ritual comes from Julia Cameron. You can find a lot of information on it, online or in print books. Morning Pages are three handwritten (no, no typing allowed) pages. About anything, anything at all. Anything. Just get the three pages written out. Ignore them for at least a couple of weeks. I tried to quit it this last summer. And after a bit, I felt the urge to write again. And so I did.

Duolingo – a fun way to learn a language. My current streak is 740 days, every day. My Duolingo goes back to 2013, December of that year I started so I could talk with people when we traveled. It works out OK for Spanish not yet for Latin.

Meditation – my first recorded start is September of 2016. There were some on and off sessions going back to a college class from an Indian man. We did not get it then. Not in any of the intervening sessions since then. But then in 2016, I ran across a piece on YouTube that says the entire point of meditation is to notice that you are not paying attention to your breath and to start again. And again. Which I do.

House Stuff — which can be loosely translated as “clean up” we have collected a whole bunch of stuff. We don’t use it so it has to go. I don’t, ahem, really keep to that list of things to do. Building a habit is high on my list. I do not need to have stuff. Even the stuff I bought and used for a while.

Exercise – You might think this needs to be up there with eating and drinking of coffee. But no, I don’t do it. After spending six weeks in the hospital followed up with some other visits I need to get back at it. There was a time when I could ride 60 miles and it was just a day. It is time to get back into that kind of shape.

Reading — On paper, not anything on a screen. At one time when I was fresh out of college, I was reading for pleasure. I decided I did not need to read so fast and I slowed down again, to enjoy the books. Then after a hospital adventure, I could not read for quite a while and when I could read again it was slow and not nearly the speed I had. Being able to focus on the page was a skill to relearn. I still am.

Writing – Aside from Morning Pages and One Typed Page I try to write more things. A page or two a day. I want to get the expression engine revved up and ready to go. Much like a typewriter is better for typing when you use it. So I keep exercising my writing skills.

Do Not Disclose – There is another block on my list. But I won’t disclose it. Much like a Book to Burn, It is private.

That is my list of things to do each day. I typically hit four to six each day. It is a fun day when I get all of them.

— MichaelRpdx :: rkmm/48

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