
To address the curious question, yes I am. That question came from Truckin’ Mike. Is there an actual Rebel way to go? Yes, I know they have that as a status. But there is no way they have a way to track it and enforce it. Call yourself Traditional or Rebel. If you are in, you’re in.

Consider this: there is only a marathon. And I am talking about a 26.2 mile run. That sounds silly. No half marathons? It is either a full or none? I have heard a rumor x or two that they are considering shorter NaNoWriMo events. A week-long event, a 25,000 event for the month, or a 50,000 event. I think all of these are worthy of attention.

I have two goals for this event. The first being to finish 50,000 by the 25th of the month. That implies I will write 2,000 words a day. The other goal is to fail in such a way that I know why. And it is not just running out of time. What prevented me from hitting the word goal?

A few years ago I did a Photo 365 challenge. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? Each day you get out, photograph something, post it How can one forget to take a photo and put it up? I had a few days when this did not happen. One day was a work day busy, busy workday. Another was a day of reading and getting wrapped up in what I was reading. Those are kinda sorta OK days to miss, for me at that time. The worst was the days when I just did not pay attention to what I had set out to do. What happened on those days?

On my NaNoWriMo, I have a stress test tomorrow. It will happen in the morning. Will I get some done beforehand? Will I be able to handle doing more writing afterward? If I miss my goal will I be able to fill in the personal goal by the weekend?

I will toss that in as a side note tomorrow.

—— MichaelRpdx :: rkmm

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