Coffee & Quotes

People’s name in red? Hrmmm, well OK I will give it a whirl.

Catalina – nice of you to help someone in the store about coffee filters. But, but, BUT you have a great vendor there in Oakland. Oh my, do you have a wonderful vendor. I could save on shipping if I were to relocate to Oakland. They sell pounds of great coffee. You need to accept what they have an inkling to roast. Though there is always an espresso available. We had to take, get, coffee roasteé when I could not for a few weeks. The roasts were fantastic. If you like coffee and have your own grinding set up give them a try. Freshly roasted coffee from them is a treat.

Yesterday I quoted Allen Lane (“Don’t try. It’s bigger than both of us!”) and never got back to who he is and why I was quoting him. He was a star of B-movies for westerns. He was best known for portrayal of Red Ryder and as the voice of Mr. Ed. Yep, the talking horse. That quotation is the only reference to how a horse could talk. Yes, it is good to suspend your disbelief and just believe in what is on the screen for you.

Austin Kleon (wait, do I color it in red if they are not seen here?) has a weekly 10 Things of interest. This week was interesting, to me at least. Item #4 is especially good. “Advice to writers: Nobody wants to read a book.” (The original was in red, so yeah. If you are going to write books and have not done so yet just get it over with, write something bad put it in a drawer and walk away. There is a nice collection of digression in his article on the matter.

—- MichaelRpdx

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