Being A Boss of Yourself

I am the boss now
Says the weekly game we play
I get to decide

Starting at midnight on the Saturday / Sunday change in days whoever says “I’m the boss” is the boss for a week. Until the next night and the restart of the game. The boss gets to decide. Like going to which restaurant. Or what we are choosing for breakfast. Nothing really big. But the boss gets to decide. This week it is me.

I am going to meditate. Close my eyes. Monitor my breath. Until I figure out that I am thinking about, something. So I start again. And I do it again and again and again and … until time is up. And my thoughts wander in. Every time. But that is kind of the point. Noticing that you have drifted to something. What is for lunch? What did I have for pizza last night? That dumb thing I did in 11th grade. Where are we going next winter? Lots of things come into my mind. So I start again. I do have some things I say in meditating in time with my breathing. In, Out. Here Now. are two of my favorites.

I have been doing this since September of 2016. Like this:

here now here now in out here now here now in out in out in out in out here new here now here now here now here now here now in out in out in out (YAWN) here now here now here now here now here now here now how long has it been? in out in out in out in out here now here now here now in out in out do I pay atten… here now here now to my nasal breaths or my belly? Wait, restart. in out in out in out in out in out in out in out in out in out in out in out in out here new here now (scratch head) (hands back to laf) here now here now here now’ here NOW HERE NOW HERE NOW HERE NOW IN out IN Out. in out in out here now here now here now here here here now (pause) now here now here now here now in out in out in out in out in out in now in out in now here out here now in out in out in out in out Sunday, it is sunday. Again Sunday again, wait. it is time for in out here now here now here now here now here now here now here now here now in out in out in out

And so it goes. It helps keep me calm, I have a lot of things to remain calm about. I am not that way all the time. Meditation helps.

— MichaelRpdx :: rkmm

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