No Spoilers! NO! NO!

Spoilers in normal times are bad enough. You know what is going to happen. This is not supposed to know what is happening. That is the point of a surprise. In dramas, it really plays up to the emotional surprises you feel. With a spoiler the effect evaporates and what the writer worked so hard to create is gone. For this series, it is something special.

SQUID GAME is what I am referring to now. If someone tries to tell you about it, ask them to not. If there is an article in a paper, a magazine, something on the web, do not watch or read it. We were very lucky and saw it as a surprise. A South Korean, Netflix series. There was a bit of a trailer enough to get us to watch it. And we did and it was binged right away.

I would describe it, except I do not want to spoil it for you. You have the option of dubbed in a variety of languages and closed captioning for a similar amount. If you have heard of it, and considering the number of places I have seen it mentioned, well watch it. Well worth the time.

But without any spoilers. We are going to watch it again. Yes, that is one hell of a spoiler, having seen it already. This time through we get to see all the things, the items dropped into it by the writer, and see what hints were there that we missed.

I am looking forward to talking about SQUID GAME, and the rest of the children’s games in it. But only with people that have seen it.

— MichaelRpdx :: h3k

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