Apostrophes and Hurrying

Hang on folks, who knows where we are going with this one.
Hmmm, that did not get me to a start. No ideas yet.

Do you think of apostrophes much or often or at all?
I have been obsessed with them lately. You will, maybe on a day filled with boredom, might have noticed I do not use them. I try to write “I am” instead of “I’m” or “do not” instead of “don’t” and other contracts like those. It seems I have written (not I’ve written!) about this topic earlier. So I will wander off to a different topic.

We are seeing quite a bit of people writing in the margins or signing their names. I am one of the people who have illegible handwriting – at normal speeds. If I slow down and take my time to write letters instead of words that I scribble it does get to be legible. Or legible. It would be good to read what I wrote years ago. I know there are times when I wrote as quickly as I could so I could keep up with my thoughts or thoughts. A lot of good those hurried writing did for me. A little later, the next day in extreme cases, I could not read what I wrote.

What good is that? I imagine there are some people who need, who must, write something, write something right now so that daemon is out of the brain and in a safe place for burning. For the rest of us, there is some inkling that you might, just maybe, want to go back to whatever was scribbled in a hurry and come up with something better to be readable perhaps to nudge your brain and have it be written in a way that means something and you can share it.

I have slowed down on my handwriting. Now, whoop dee do, it takes me 15 minutes instead of tweleve. or tweleve. I had never realized how little time I saved by scribbling along. I do not always succeed in making the handwriting legible sometimes the memory of my hands injects the scribble. But less and less and all the time I have time to think of what I was attempting to say and write it down for the future.

That is where we went. Now I am off to play some ukulele.
There is no recording there and my wife likes it. We all win.

— MichaelRpdx

Next time A4, letter, ledger and more.

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