I slept today.
Yesterday I walked for two and a half miles.
Today I woke early. 4:00 or so I woke and could not sleep. I came home from the hospital, chilled, wrapped up in a blanket. Wrapped up in a blanket until l slept.
Now I have a night of sleepiness and not a mind of thoughts. Thoughts that mill around. Around and around they deem to a night of nothing. Nothing emerges from my mind of an evening. Evening is a night of reaching out into the emptiness. Emptiness pursues its steadfast pursuit of trying to find release. Release of its help with this game. Game of creation. Creation of discrete sentences. Sentences that swim like fish in a pond, laziness of chasing itself. Itself chasing the words of creation. Creation repeating in its pursuit of continuing. Continuing through sentences of nonsense. Nonsense picking up from our bit of a wait. Wait, what is this? This, a bit Of a wait. Wait, what do we have here in these revolving pursuits of what, where are we? We gather up another chase. Chase another sleepiness hoping to catch it. It is right there beckoning. Beckoning my pursuit. Pursuit of my start, where today slept I.
I will play that game again tomorrow or another day. Not today.
— MichaelRpdx. :: ih3k