Typing or Not

Oh dear. Oh my, oh dear. Oh dear, oh my, oh this is silly.
I should be able to come up with something to say.

A few days ago I had mentioned BORDERTOWN, a Finnish/Russian drama. The Netflix one that my wife did not care for because of the teenage nudity featured in the first episode and an opening of episode two with a rave, dance party with scads of teenagers doing a pool dance. I hung on and was rewarded with changes to the plot. I convinced my wife to try it again and Yep, she liked it also. We especially admire the crisp endings to the trilogies (triologies? trigologys?) We recommend it. Warnings: the dubbing is bad and they do not offer an option to listento it in Finnish: it is a Netflix thing; backstories are close to non-existent so you will need to watch a lot.

Isaac Asimov typed for six hours a day. He sat down and typed knowing that if he kept it up he could not type a bunch of drivel That he would produce good stuff. What is this? He was a professor of biochemistry at Boston University? (aside, my niece was an electronic engineer there.) As we or I was doing here he sat down and typed for six hours. Yet I am having problems getting a One Typed Page. Perhaps I need to do more work than one piece, to keep going. Instead I type out my page and quit. Then I go on to baking bread, mailing a letter, walk a mile or two, watch YouTube “Fountain Pens 101” (24 episodes and that is the theme of the day) marvel at the chilliness, and those things do not bring me any closer to what I need to write about.

Take a break, grill some cheese sandwiches, At least we have dome dinner. Yes, they were great.

Keep your masks on, dear.

— MichaelRpdx

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