“I Care A Lot” — do you care for dark comedies? And I mean REALLY DARK. Well, this one is for you. It is about a series of nursing homes. Well, that is the setting for it. They have a sympathetic judge that grants them guardianship to, well, to do whatever to elderly people. Now, when I say “them” I am referring to Marla Grayson. She is doing very well. Until she picks a woman who apparently has no relatives. Well, it goes from there as they try to convince her to release the woman and she resists. I will also say, they have a crackerjack strong ending. If you can stomach the plot enjoy it.
Power is returning to Portland. There are still about 15,000 people in the dark. But they are getting close to providing for all.
If you don’t care for dark fiction, I will recommend “Blown Away” about people who blow glass. Did you see “Great British Bakeoff”? Imagine something very similar but with people who do glass blowing art instead. Ten people compete. One is kicked out each week. One wins $60,000 and an artist residency at the Corning Museum. And hey, it is Canadian. Expect broken glass, beautiful glass, and watching them work. Well worth it.
— MichaelRpdx :: rkmm