When you do any sort of marathon like event, be it physical, mental, psychic, or whatever, you hit a wall. You come to the point where it is only your will that keeps you goining. (goining? Where the hell did that come from?) keeps you going. It did not take much for that feeling to hit me. By which I mean I was not one of the people well trained who could do an event. I should have planned it better. Nah, not my type of thing to do.
Gee doing that thing sound like fun. I think I will do it. And so I would. Just dive into the whatever and give it a whirl. Then the hosts would feed me and give me advice when I arrived an hour or two after the cut-off. Eventually, I would get fit enough to do the thing. Imagine your own thing here.
Even as I got to be good enough to do the thing there was a point about three-quarters or eighty percent of the way through the thing where it, the wall would hit me. And I thought to myself, “Why are you doing this? What are you trying to prove?” And the good thing for me in that situation was there was no way to stop, step off of the situation and quit. The only option was to keep
going because that was the way out, the way to quit.
I kind of have that feeling right now. 50,000 words? What am I doing? What am I trying to prove to who? And worth of all, how can I get a One Typed Page typed today. I have already typed four pages of single-spaced stuff. (500 words on a page, a little over 2,000 words per day) But here I am. Typing to all who will read.
Here is the odd part, as I type for the event that will not be named, is I feel that I am just getting started. It took me the first 20,000 words to figure out what it was that I am writing. Now is the time that I can really type, to keep going.
What the hell?
MichaelRpdx :: rkmm 2021-11-20