Keep A Copy

Taking a break today, after hitting my 2,000 plus words for the thing that I will not name because I hate to type came] case words and a doctor appointment (all is good there) and a wonderful lunch of perigees and I was ready for a break. Popping open YouTube I noticed a piece by Ryan Holliday called “Five Essential Journaling Ideas From Stoicism” The #1 idea was “Just Start”, Cannot argue with the idea of taking the first step. Which I have done off and on since 1976 and consistently since 2025.

Idea #2 was “Use A Physical Journal” by this he means paper and your preference of writing implement. Keep a physical journal and if it is from Marcus Aurelius (shit sp) or Leonardo daVinci it is Still readable to this day. Yer, when a guy was working on Steve Job’s biography and they tried to get some of Job’s early notes, all stored on an early Mac they couldn’t. Less than as Holliday said it was lost in the lifetime of a pair of iPhones. With all the technologists he had available it was gone.

I think it was more like 20 to 30 years but in our lifetimes the notes were lost. Compare this to John Kennedy’s notes pencil on yellow legal pads are still readable today. These two items rage loud] y to my ears. And there are another three to enjoy
should you be curious.

Today was a great day for my writing. I kept it all on the same topic. I have a few topics that I keep alive. These include Cancer years, Starter, Trash, Life in Idaho, recopies and more. If I run up against something in “Text” (which is the core story part of my writing) I switch to a different topic to keep writing to keep my 2,000 streak alive. (Side note: I am learning how to write something as large as 50,000 words. So I do this conglomeration of topics. I need to wrap them together later. Later. Later. I can meld them together later. Or not. I have a lot of things here to go to in the future.) Anyway, today for the first time I kept everything on one subject. Feels good.

Were you aware that Stephen King used Tarot cards to get ideas?

—- MichaelRpdx :: rkmm

Crap. I forgot to be explicit: keep a journal. They are good
for you. Yes, we know it is for yourself. That is the point.
And I need to print out my thing that will not be named
journal thingy, The NaNo… thing. No, it is not a journal
but it needs to be on paper. Who knows what will happen
to my computer copies.

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