There are a couple of letters waiting to go out with the mail. I wrote them today. They are special, being written today. It is the last day of February. The last day of InCoWriMo. International Correspondence Writing Month. As you may be aware, I am not an everyday kind of guy. I could be described as regular. But I am in no way like Kent, or Kat, or Mike, or any of the other people whose writing we see every day. But for InCoWriMo I set out to write every day. Even better, I decided to send mail to people across the borders of the United States. And heck, you cannot leave Mom out of it so I started with her and sent a letter to people in the United States. Every day. Every day to a person in the US and one to a person outside of the US. I started by spending to people on every continent, except for the Antarctic continent. Australia, South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, and North America. I was lucky there was an address exchange place on their website. Nearly 200 people outside of the US put on their addresses. The problem turned into who to select. Two people in South Africa made for an easy choice. Two in Brasil and one in Chile was limited the people to choose from. For some reason (Rasmussen anyone?) I sent letters to Norway, Sweden, and Finland. Canada, Ireland, and Great Britain were easy Since we all speak the same language. My Spanish is just barely up to the level where I was able to volunteer writing in espanol, and two people took me up on the offer. (oh, and Australia, sorry about that Aussies) But, yes, I got letters out every day or written every day. During the ice storm, they piled up, waiting for the postman to arrive and talk them away.
Now comes the fun part. I have letters from Boise, Albuquerque, Oakland, Suquamish, Feeding Hills, Scarborough (Ontario), Edinburgh, Willingham, Salt Lake City, and Ninilthek, and who knows where else the USPS will be delivering mail from. Though I have to admit, some of them are not going to be handwritten. If you have not seen my handwriting, perhaps it is a blessing. But then again, my typing is not among the best.
Yes, I know of a guy who did it in part to improve his handwriting. That does not seem to have worked for me. However, it did lube up my ability to write a letter. There is so much to be said. Pick a topic and in little time you have a page filled up and it is time to insert it in an envelope and send it on its way. You can do that secure in the knowledge that they will be happy to receive it. And I know I brought bright days to people seeing that they have mail that someone took the time to send to them.
— MichaelRpdx :: rkmm