
¿Donde esté la persona qué escribe en espanol? Me gusta la historias. ¿Hace tres? quatro? semanas? Yo recordo dos de estes. Con suerete conseguiré mas de esos.

And hopefully, my misspelling in Spanish is not too bad. I sent off my first letter in Spanish today. Darn if that doesn’t take a long time to prepare to send. Write a page in English, translate it to Spanish, the write the final in the target language. (The stuff that was at the top was straight to Spanish, or what I take to be Spanish.) If any of you know the writer and can pass along my desire to read more stuff in a foreign language, please do so.

If you are interested in a sample of ink for a fountain pen, check the stamp from a day or two back. You can figure out my address from it. Tell me what color you are interested in. I think I can send it for 55¢ (no cents key on this typewriter) and for me sending something for 55¢ is definitely in the gift category. Hmmm, it is getting to be cold here, 27°. Well, we get the ° degree symbol instead. I think that is a win here. Though I sure did like the ¢ cents symbol. Such is life.

Does anyone know if a place to get the keys remade? Like, replace the 1/2 and 1/4 with symbols that I would like more. It is a lot of work to replace a key with a custom one. but, I would think it could be a lucrative thing to undertake. Well, you would need to actually make or acquire the slug. This is definitely something for the person who was really in needs for a custom keyboard. Custom keyboards. What a dream I have here.

— MichaelRpdx :: h3k

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