
You’re maybe thinking “what is up here?” And you would be right. Not much is here. Like yesterday when I went to the Final Fred Fest. Fred Fest has changed quite a bit over the years. Fred Fest was set up to honor Fred Eckhardt, a famed Beer Writer. Portland was very lucky to have Fred as a resident. He died in 2015 and we all still honor him. Where honor means to get together and drink beers. I joined in yesterday.
But I digress…

You can look up Fred Eckhardt on Wikipedia. I checked with a pair of friends to find out when Fred Fest started. That was on Fred’s 80th birthday year. So that puts it at 2006 The event has been hosted by Hair of the Dog, a famous, well to beer people, brewery. That place is closing down this year when its founder Alan Sprints retires this year.
But, I digress again…

He also hosted “Chocolate and Beers” in the late 90s. It was an event that my wife, heck even my in-laws went to. It was a delicious night. Or evening of “name that beer” where Fred would have a beer delivered to all attendees and we had to figure out what beer it was. We were given three questions that we guessed to narrow the scope. “is it an Oregon beer?” or “is it European?” I do not recall the number of guesses we had. Maybe, but one time i& was Old Crusteanean (sp) a barleywine with a very distinctive hop profile that IDed the beer right off. Old Crustacean (sp right).
But I digress again….

Fred would ramble a bit when talking to an audience. Which we loved. He would often digress.

— MichaelRpdx :: rkmm :: 2022-05-15

I should, perhaps, digress some more.

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