Warm Days and Happiness

Demn what a fine day. Warm weather following up by finishing my Income Taxes. Not that doing it yourself is any big deal for a retired person, but finding all of the bits and pieces to do it … well that made it better than normal. I had them all in a folder. It made it simple. I even got to owe the feds some money for once. I, have an admission, hate getting tex refunds. OK, “hate” is a strong word here. I dislike getting a refund.

[above was double spaced in the original]

Sorry, that double spacing is too far apart for something I am meaning for other people to read. Be great for a draft that I will use pencil on. But it is just too wide spacing for me to look at. It has to be too wide to read. A bit of rye has made me too lazy to pull this out and retry it.

Mixing colors. Coming up with a bit of prose to fill itself up onto the page. Working, wait working? on Spanish? Might it be playing Spanish? Or practicing Spanish? Working, playing, practicing, should I check the thesaurus? Or be strong and only use the working words that I have in my mind? Well that seems to be getting smaller by the week. Would the box book be a reminder or a guid to new words? Guid, hehe he, a guide but is it even that? More like the shady guy on the street corner, “c’mon over here. We have a deal for you, wanna see them inside?” Like one of those guys with great deals for the Naive. Our for a day of fun in the city. Out for the evening of ‘what is that? Really? You think?!’ Thet kind of the guy that the sleazy guy thinks is ready for a thrill, or so he hopes, he had not had great luck the previous day. He went a bit hungry, he doesn’t pull in his quota he does not get paid. He needs to get some money. ‘That’s the way it goes.

OK, enough rambling fantasy bits here. Have a good day like I did, warm weather, getting things done, and having time left over for your mind to take off on things that make you ask yourself “whard that come from?” Where indeed.

— MichaelRpdx :: rqdl

End to Smugness, New Typewriter

Hello All! This is a new to me typewriter. A Royal Quiet De Luxe. But that is not all, It is a, lo es une máchina de escribir; Y mes, tiene ¿ ¡ ñ , y los, lo siento, las teclas son en español. Busca a la foto.

It is new to me and I am excited. It did take some work from Mett and it requires some tyning to get it lubed up.

Now if I could get Matt to charge a reasonable amount for his work. It just does not seem like it is enough. Perhaps just mailing him an anonymous bit of cash?

There was one big snd I mean BIG problem on the day we received the typewriter. As I was getting out my Royal KMM I set it down on the table and noticed I had no wedding ring. My finger was bare. We have been married for 22 years. With the exception of the one time I had my ring resized, I never removed the ring. Suddenly it is gone,

Now it is time for a confession. My wife’s family has a history of losing wedding rings. My mother-in-law’s engagement ring end wedding ring are someplace on Waikiki Beach. We think my wife’s (first) ring is in the garden somewhere. That is not the confession. My confession is feeling a bit smug. I did not lose my ring. No siree bobcat. I DID NOT lose the ring. Until Friday. So much for my smugness.

We looked in the couch cushions, in the car, in all of my pockets, and every other place we could think of. Have you ever looked everywhere including the packing materials for a typewriter? We did. Filled with crumpled newspapers I did not want to recycle it. The box is 22x22x18 inches, That is a whole bunch of stuff to shift through. I am very fortunate that my wife’s hearing is great. “Would you listen while I dump this stuff on the floor?” I upended the boxy and she heard something like a bell. I looked some more and found it. Whew. Perhaps it is time to get it resized again.

— MichselRpdx :: rqdl

Teclas en español