When we first bought this house and moved in we saw what I assumed to be bluebirds. Not so. Bluebirds are not common in our area. What I had seen was a scrub jay. The blue coloring is interrupted by a white patch on its back and the belly. They are common in our area. And we do see one or two pairs each year. There was one flitting about as I mowed the lawn. Yes, another mowing day. This lawn was now nearly as thick as the front area so I got enough cut down. And it was getting close to the end when I got a treat. A stellar jay appeared. It is not like they are not found in our area. Just not in Portland. Or not in the densely populated part of Portland that I live in. I would see them in abundance in my in-laws house. Jut hare? No, no sighting of the dark blue with a prominent creast, crest. Yes that was a treat.
A stellar jay made my day.
I am going to go watch something. Something.
— MichaelRpdx :: ih3k :: 2022-05-25