Sittin’ on the couch. It could be the edge of a bay. But it is not. It is the couch. Actually we have two. One full sized and one “love seat.” Well, three if you count the futon downstairs that we are planning to give away. As soon as we figure out how to get enough room to move it out of the basement. If you are familiar with the puzzles where there is just one space and you have to move the pieces around to get them arranged, from one to fifteen. I think they are called warehouse puzzles. Now I get to play it in real life with real items to move around to get the room to move things into.
Sittin’ on the couch letting thoughts flow through my mind spiraling around bringing memories to mind and I wonder why. Gol darn, how was that for a run-on sentence? That is what sittin’ on a couch just letting thoughts flow is like. Well, for me and my thoughts are like. Perhaps you have a more ordered mind and your random thoughts are concise bits of subject, verb, object constructions. In my language studies, there are some in which that type of thinking does not work, not even to the way proper English does it. (Latin and Esperanto being the examples.)
Sittin’ on the couch. It is a way to spend a day until I decided to get out and cut off the dead pieces of a fig tree and a white lilac and a volunteer hazelnut tree. There would be not hazelnut trees volunteering if squirrels remembered where the put the nuts and were hungry enough in the winter. It took the place of mowing * today. All of them would be there tomorrow. The lawn lost, or was it won?, the what gets to be done today.
Sittin” on a couch today I did do some things. Word puzzles, studying Esperanto, Morning Pages written, read a bit of Kafka on the Beach, practicing Ukulele playing, meditation, those are all the things I did while sittin’ around today.
-—- MichaelRpdx :: ih3k :: 2022-05-23
And all of that comes from typing “Sittin’ on the couch” and watching where it would go.