Good Things 2020

In the week between Christmas and New Year holidays I take the time to reflect on the year, Despite the loads of drugs, err I mean medications, it was a healthy year. Nothing to report to a doctor. The first year in years I had no visits to a hospital, planned or unplanned. Take a deep breath of relaxation today. Yay for 2020. Did I just say that? “Yay for 2020.”? Yes, despite the year from Covid and Trump it was an OK year. My health remained good, we sold my in-laws house, I do not think we had any big plans for the year after those two items. Kent bought his first house, that was a shock that did not get me to fall over. Two or three of you retired, yay you.

Yay for 2020! What good things have happened in your life? C’mon, I know there have been good things happening in you life, fess up.

I am mostly thinking about next year in the form of writing. It is not that I have not been writing. I have been keeping a Morning Pages journal for nearly five years now. I tried to quite last year. That was like quitting smoking. (I do not smoke, but you understand how people do not quit)? I look at Bullet Journaling, and nah. I had no need to keep it brief and quick. I would hate to be pule, pulle, ((side note: when I forget a work, stroke side effect, I keep trying, in different forms until it comes again)) puzzling, That is it. I would hate to puzzle over what some half line of text means. I have enough problems reading my own handwriting. Not having enough journals (Cooked, Sketch, Morning Pages, Languages, One Typed Page, …) I am mulling over adding a log book. In the sense given by ships logs. A daily listing of things done or experiencing and just have that with references to other journals. Considering. That is taking up my attention span for next year. Hopefully this typing will help me figure that out.

I am also considering upgrading my journals to more expensive paper. Right now I am keeping everything in composition books. The kind used in schools. They cost about a buck for 100 pages, 200 things to write on. No worries about wasting money on them. $1.00 vs $9.95 or $22.00 for differing sizes. Yeah, one does save a lot of money. But, But, I spend, at best, 10 minutes a page. And that is Screaming along on writing. Taking 20 minutes is not at all unusual. I used to earn a lot more than I got paid for the cost of paper. Even if the paper cost much more, more than a buck a page, I spend a lot more on the time to type or write my thoughts. Why do I want paper to be so cheap to hold my writing? Even the stuff I toss aside costs more than the paper Am I so obsessed with saving money on buying paper while spending so much more on my writing? I am going to visit a store and something to write in. Give it a whirl.

And I will address the question about how the Royal KMM gets me to type

— MichaelRpdx :: rkmm

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