Fun, Fun, Fun

Want something to play but not seriously watch? The 5 Minute Crafts channel on YouTube is a delight. No dialog, not exhortations to like and share, just gobs of craft tricks, suggestions, ideas, and such shown with bubbly background music.

Mental junk food yes. Well, except there’s some genius useful thing every few minutes. So your time isn’t totally wasted away.

Poetry and Stoicism

What do they have in common?
Both have stereotypes fueling strong misunderstandings about their nature.
Maybe it’s just me.

To check on the alignment of stoicism and your beliefs about it visit the Daily Stoic website.

Poetry is a very side sea. Perhaps reading The Poets Laureate Anthology will provide an experience base. Or choose a poet, perhaps the accessible Billy Colliins and browse their books. Or perhaps listen to Billy Colliins reading a pair of poems. I found the Wikipedia Poetry page to be a bit dry, though I won’t fault it for lack of comprehension.

You have your life and it is filled with your concerns. Perhaps these will fit into it.

Reading is

What is reading to you? A high school English teach once described “escapist literature” and my righteous teenage self railed against the insult to Nobel Wonderful Books. This mini library, on Holgate Boulevard in Portland, Oregon, states “Reading is a magic key to take you where you want to be.”

Where is your next book taking you?

Magic Key mini library
Magic Key mini library