“It all begins with one typed page.” So starts One Typed Page. You can see a link to it at the top of this page. It will take you to a page of images of One Typed Pages. People have submitted their pages and the editor puts them up early in the day. For example

You can find him there on nearly any day.
In explaining the purpose of the page the editor refers to Cold Hard Type series. That’s a series of books from people who write on typewriters. But it’s not for everyone. And for those that it’s not there is One Typed Page. As he puts it:
We need people who can structure thoughts and ideas, then write a compelling story so others can make sense of the world. It’s easy to stop writing when the seams are coming apart and the world’s supply of toilet paper seems to have dried up. Don’t! Get a clean hanky, wipe away your tears and write. Write like the world depends on your words. Write like a warrior who is fighting for their survival. Write, because if you don’t, you’ll end up in a dark corner, balled up and sobbing.
But that won’t happen, because you’re the typewriter type who punches keys and makes the hammer strike. The force of your fingers is the force of will that conquers the page. Close your web browser, turn off the news, mute your feeds and get on the typewriter.
~ Daniel Marleau, Editor of One Typed Page
You can and are encouraged to contribute. Or you can, like me, drop by the page and read up on what people with typewriters are up to.