Yep, I love those libraries. This is today’s version, well one of two encountered. By the way, I only put up one pThere are other things I look at and photograph, But I have to make a decision.

I was wondering and wrote about it
Yep, I love those libraries. This is today’s version, well one of two encountered. By the way, I only put up one pThere are other things I look at and photograph, But I have to make a decision.
Today I walked through the third park within easy distance, Creston Park. Like Kenilworth park, this one has a new tree. To be revisited. Perhaps, I should look for a new tree in Woodstock Park?
Between the Woodstock Library, my favorite, and home is this park. So many dogs and kids on a Sunday afternoon.
In Kenilworth Park in Portland, 34th and Holgate, they have planted a tree. I will return a year from now to check on it.
I really like Rothko. NO, I know this isn’t. It did come to be via him.