Portland is on a tear for warm autumnal weater. It is tropical here. We were out to show Mason some locate places and stopped here to pick up dinner. Fantastic tortas, the bread was well chosen.

I was wondering and wrote about it
Portland is on a tear for warm autumnal weater. It is tropical here. We were out to show Mason some locate places and stopped here to pick up dinner. Fantastic tortas, the bread was well chosen.
Was this graffiti for is it a home decoration work?
The local to me place. Just a library but one that constantly has people in it and using it.
As I was walking homeward Joshua said hello. I don’t know Joshua from Adam or anyone else. He was there with his car rummaging through it, looking for everything he needed for a shower. He is mid-way into moving. He is visiting friends in Oregon before he takes off on a drive to North Carolina. He is moving there to be closer to family members and cheap enough to actually buy a home. That is his plan.
As we prepare for our trip we scrounged through our wallets and dug out some currencies – from other countries. Here are a few. (Don’t let the multi-thousand denominations fool you, they are noot worth that much.)