So Much for Lists

I had a list. Lists are good for keeping to a plan. A plan about what you want to buy. You’ve got the list, you get what’s on it and you’re good.

At Bob’s Red Mill I did pretty well. Just what was on the list. Well, OK, I got a second bag of Vital Wheat Gluten. What kind of cornmeal, coarse or medium? But aside from those two things, we were good.

Then we had lunch out at Mike’s Drive In, a staple of Portland area foods. That’s reputed to be good for grocery shopping. Don’t Shop Hungry! We were not.

Then the final stop of the day. Costco, the first time since January? February? It’s been a while.

One of the items on the list was getting Jennifer’s glasses fixed. She’d snapped the ear off of it. She’s gotten a replacement set of frames and they arrived right before Covid-19 arrived. They would not do the replacement so they waited. Now they would. She’d work with them while I went and picked up what we had on the list.

And I did. And then I went to find Jennifer and we agreed to go look at a couple of items. They got added. And some other things got added. And well, so much for the list. So much for eating before shopping.

We’re set for food for quite awhile.

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