Social Security Day

Well hot dog. I´m 62. I can now collect Social Security payments from the US Government. If I want. Which I don´t. So far I do better at living off of my savings at a rate of perpetually sustainable withdrawals.

It´s a great feeling to have my savings investments growing faster than it is depleted. WARNING: past results are no indication of future returns. But still, I´ve the happy feeling today.

Other than that, there is nothing special about turning another year older. Well there is the marveling at people who do not know about what seems commonplace. Like rotary phones. Or library cards, getting filled up. Or life before computers. Or being able to call up your crush and hang up in being scared, and they couldn´t know who had called. Or clams for a buck a pound. Yes, so many bits of my past. About to fade into no longer memory.

I have a couple more decades. Looking forward to them.

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