It’s been an exceptionally hot and dry summer here in Portland. For better or worse “nada dura para
As a rain lover this is a fun time.
I was wondering and wrote about it
It’s been an exceptionally hot and dry summer here in Portland. For better or worse “nada dura para
As a rain lover this is a fun time.
On Quora a person asked, Do you really need to mix scrambled eggs before pouring into the pan?
I answered:
Since you’re asking this question on Quora, I’ll assume you’re a citizen of an industrialized country. I’ll further assume you are not an impoverished citizen. The rest of my answer rests on the foundation of those assumptions. In essence, I assume you can afford to spend the money to buy a dozen eggs and possibly “ruin” a few of them.
Eggs are cheap. With relative ease you can get the answer for yourself. Buy a dozen. Each day for six days make a pair of scrambled eggs for yourself changing the mixing time, maybe the heat level. Pay attention to how you do it each day and how you liked the results. Try to not forget too much.
On the seventh day review your notes and/or memories. You will then know with absolute certainty if you really need to mix the eggs before pouring in order to have scrambled eggs prepared the way you like.
Ray Freeman responded, “I came here to give this answer. thanks for saving me the trouble.”
That’s true on Facebook and Twitter. Are you one also?
Here I’m my own voice, talking quietly.
Fundamentally, why ask when you can easily get a more authoritative answer via direct experience at trivial cost?Since you’re asking this question on Quora, I’ll assume you’re a citizen of an industrialized country. I’ll further assume you are not an impoverished citizen. The rest of my answer rests on the foundation of those assumptions. In essence, I assume you can afford to spend the money to buy a dozen eggs and possibly “ruin” a few of them.
Eggs are cheap. With relative ease you can get the answer for yourself. Buy a dozen. Each day for six days make a pair of scrambled eggs for yourself changing the mixing time, maybe the heat level. Pay attention to how you do it each day and how you liked the results. Try to not forget too much.
On the seventh day review your notes and/or memories. You will then know with absolute certainty if you really need to mix the eggs before pouring in order to have scrambled eggs prepared the way you like.
What do you consider a significant improvement? Recently a record was set by a margin of 16 seconds. The old record was eight minutes thirteen seconds, 8m13s. The new record is seven minutes fifty-seven seconds, 7m57s.
For this thirteen-second improvement is described as smashing, crushing, and trouncing. Strong language. Pause, count to twenty. Did that take long? Doesn’t really seem so, does it?
When you are working on a skill, keep in mind small improvements are significant.