Another Quiet Day

In the hospital. But this one is especially quiet. No tests, nothing but being under observation. Tomorrow is the big day. The day of getting cut, in a very advanced way.

I like to say I used up all my bad luck last year. We all hope this is true.

366 Days

If you have ever worked in a factory, you know the signs. X Days Since Last Accident. I’m going to add one of these to
my wall. X Days Until Last Hospital Vist.

It was 366 days since I was released from my TAVR/Heart_Attack/Stroke/etc visit. I was preparing to take my car into a mechanic, walk the six and a half miles home. It was part of my healing, rebuilding life.

And then I was up early, about 3:30. I coughed up something that didn’t feel right. So I spit into toilet paper. I will leave the description to “bright red and a lot.” Over the next couple of hours I this persisted. I packed up my backpack and called the ambulance. The next day it seems to have subsided. A Broncospcy did not show any active bleeding. After a night of observation I was released. This, by the way, is a side effect of the agressiver radiation treatment for Hodgkin’s Cancer in 1986. It was early treatments and all they really knew.

Less than 24 hours later it was back. Jennifer called her friend Billy and he saved us a call to the ambulance. I’m back in. More consulets today. Probably surgery on Wednesday. We will see.

When I get home I’m putting the X Days Since sign. Shooting to keep it incrementing.

What I Do

What do I do? The list of things I have in my list, like:

  • Drive Jen to dentist
  • Letters !!
  • Eye exerdises
  • Select photos for October book
  • Walk
  • Test scanner for color film
  • Chickwheat

Remains largely undone that day. So, what do I do? I tracked them yesterday. As I finished something I would note the time. The start time would come from the prior entry. Yesterday’s entries included.

8:00 Morning pages
9:20 Coffee & emails, including Austin Kleon‘s weekly explorations
9:37 Brush teeth, shower, and shave
10:05 Latin lessons (3)

11:15 Breakfast
11:24 Emails
12:04 Mind of Watercolor YouTube and side trip to White Rabbit, tough to hear

1:07 Meditation
2:17 Eat lunch, watch Hank Green and Bosh! and Pasta Grannies on YouTube
3:47 Record blood pressure from 9/11 to today, email to doctor

4:55 Reading and coffee
6:25 To library and a dinner out
7:55 Reading
11:00 Roku, Pinkly Blinders

Yes, I’m leaving some things out, as indicated by … I was surprised by how quickly I did dishes and how long it took to do things on the computer. Lots of time on YouTube and email processing. Do I need to cut them down? To be explored.

2019 October1

Welcome to October! In September I set out to do 30 Days of Ukulele. Which went, well, um, it went nowhere. I played less in September than I did in August. Count that as a big fail. What did I learn? Not to sign on to something that is more than I could handle. I’m not yet up to the level needed for the class. Which lead to my sidestepping on the entire thing. I also seem to do better with a thing I can do on my own. August had daily blogging. The point was to do a “something” each day. Donot set out to do something defined by someone else. Like July with a watercolor course it did not work out.

I’ve got a couple of things in mind for October. Check back in four weeks to see how that works out


If you are reading this you are familiar with one way I track my life. It’s a journal of sorts. I have others.

Morning Pages in which I start (almost) every day with four pages of longhand. Part of the idea is to not reread it for at least a month or so. I’ve extended that to not rereading it at all. Well, at bit once in a while. It is approaching the completion of its twentieth book. See Daily DOs for morn information.

Sketch Journal, from Lynda Barry. I have all sorts of stuff in it. With the intent of going back and finding things later. It is actually a fun thing to keep. I’m currently rereading Syllabus with the intent of injecting some of Barry’s suggestions into it. I also have more of her instructional books.

Cooked a part cookbook, part food diary, it’s what I write down what I cook so I’ll have my own cookbook someday. This is not the kind of cookbook you see wherever. Ruth Reichl is kinda sorta a hero for me. Even if my Mom cooks well.

Uke, a ahem, book on learning Ukulele. This one is pretty lame. Hopefully I’ll pull it out of the bin.

Exercise in which I keep track of what I do. Well sorta. It is also lame. But I have aspirations and hopes.

Weekbook a progression of single pages that touch on what happened each week. Well, until I lost the book. When I find it, it will resume.

There are a couple of other books on the way. Watch for updates Real Soon Now.