Four Day Earworm is Cruel not Cool

This earworm, marimbas (I think) and female harmony singing “cool, cool samba” (again, I think), had drifted in and out of my brain recently. Such a fragment is resisting searches. Quickly it became evident “cool samba” is not the real lyric. There is a small bit of certainty – it is from the 80s, probably early to mid-80s.

Gar! What is it?

Update: Found it, Cruel Summer from Bananarama. My earworm did not include the bass line with the marimbas.

Thank You Mom

“Moooommm, what’s for Dinner?” “Food.”

And to this day I’ll eat any meal put in front of me, enjoying the vast majority of them.

Good Morning to you
Good Morning to you
We’re all in our places
With Sun Shiney Faces
Good Morning to You!

And I great each day with happiness.

Breaking Broken Update: My Own Recognizance

Released on my own recognizance.

On September 17 I broke my right leg in multiple places. Breaking a leg is major trauma. For weeks, well months, I didn’t walk. However, healing progress happens. The physical therapist feels I’m making enough progress to continue on my own. We’ll have a assessment appointment in May or June. Which means:

Treatment is complete. All the rest of the healing is up to time and me exercising.