Where Did I Go?

I looked back at the day and asked, where did I go?
And I remembered, the YouTube videos when one lead to another and another and there were hours.
And I remembered. the mention of a presidential candidate from two people from very different parts of my life. And I started to really look at his policies.
There was a day, watching and reading and not taking notes but I do learn a bit. A bit.

I tend to get interested in something and stay there until I kinda sorta understand it. That’s where I went. But it’s not someplace where I go on a plan. Something grabs my attention and until that curiosity itch is scratched I’m there, looking, reading, lost in the “what about …” questions and answers.

That’s where I go.

Corn and Peaches

Last night I ate corn on the cob. That was dinner. Fresh out of boiling water, sweet as it could be. Fresh corn, it’s only a couple of weeks in the summer. We got ours from a farm stand place off of Highway 99E. You’d never see it from the freeway. Only from the back roads can provide you this kind of treat.

And tonight! A fresh peach! Gigantic, fresh, so delicious. So real, it doesn’t taste like anything concocted up from a laboratory. Like the corn, you can only get this sweet treat fresh. These last days of summer are real treats.

Pheaches, sweet peaches

Learn(ing) Latin

But why? You can, like a child, fumble your way through Latin on Duolingo. OK, that’s how, not why. Well, let’s listen to this guy. Ignore the nerd part, it will only last a couple of minutes.

I found it via Open Culture, at Why Learn Latin? which features that video above.
For me, the argument that Latin is Dead, is like saying arithmetic is dead. Yes, the vocabulary doesn’t drift, and neither does the syntax. One can get into the language and chew on it.

For fun from the fifties, there’s these arguments for learning Latin:

I’m ready to have Latin mold my mind. In addition to Duolingo, there is an online class via University of Texas Austin.