Ruth Bader Ginsberg
Life in General
Coming Back
There was a reddish patch on the floor. Is it? Well, yes, it is! A shadow! I look into the sky and for the first time in a week I can see the sun. Well Yay Hey goodie goodie.
We are supposed to get rain. Checking the forecast I see that it is to arrive earlier. Perhaps before we go to sleep. This is something I can stay up for, like the stroke of midnight for New Year Day. Nothing will clear our air like rain.
And I must admit, I’m not at all happy with our lives this past week.
Wanting Sun, Wanting Rain
A friend said, “I miss the sun.” In our days of smog, fed by the fires, the sun is notably absent. As the Air Now site, run by the EPA, you can find out about the air quality throughout the nation. Right now it shows:

That is an improvement for this week. They report, “People with heart or lung disease, older adults, children and teens: Avoid physical activities outdoors.” I have three conditions. I am not going out of doors at all.
While she misses the sun, I miss days of rain. Would it be nice to have our lack of visibility, with everything hidden in rain?
There Was Snow
I got up early, in the dark. I looked outside. And saw a light dusting on my van. Yes, it was like snow in January. Only this is on the side of the year when it never gets that cold. So it was the remains of trees, houses, and all the rest that forest fires burned up and that is the “fog”, our euphemism for haze from the fire. It was still dark, like in January, until later in the morning. And, like in January, it was a day for lights all day long.
Two Out of Three
I am getting a bit inconsistent here. C’est la ca ca. If you have come here looking for more curiosity bits, well sorry about that.
But it seems that I get at least two out of three writing things done each day. Morning Pages, a personal, first thing in the morning. This blog and One Typed Page. If you don’t find anything from me here, go there. Check the link in the upper bar there.
And come back here. I’ll be back.