Yesterday I posted on my daily habits. Today what I don’t
Exercising that thing I think I should do but I don’t. Even after the years of bicycle commuting, after a few months of walking in the morning, after it all I just don’t. Now, I do exercise. But not every day, most of them. I also have a tracker on my phone so I know when I get less than ten minutes in. I am working up to a half marathon, 13.1 miles. I walk it. I will walk it. Sometime in October.
I’m sure there is more that I want to do on a daily basis. I’ll add them in here as I remember.
If you have a job, you go to work. And that can be all that you plan on for each day. Now that I’m retired, I have “things to do.” Yes, I take my prescription pills, make and drink some coffee. There are also some things I do every day.
Morning Pages a daily writing task from Julia Cameron. Listen about it here, or read about it here, or check this list of links. I started Morning Pages in April of 2015. I’ve filled twenty composition books with them. Yes, I buy them by the pack of twelve. I now do four pages so that sometime in the future I can flip through and read the headings. Well, and since they’re smaller than the 81/2×11 pages it works out to about the same amount of writing.
A recent example
Duolingo the language learning platform. It has scores of languages available. For me that means Spanish and Latin. Yes, Latin. Which is surprisingly accessible. And I’m getting better at English also. Active since December 2013
Free Forever, Since 2013
Meditation, as in sitting quietly eyes closed, watching my breath. I started with a simple Meditation Helper. It tracks your streak, does a bell when you start, when you stop, and you can well, check their web site. I’ve used it since 2016. I’ve also recently added 10% Happier, for guided meditations. It’s proving to be interesting, but I’ve had it for less than a month. So, not a lot of feedback from me. The Meditation Helper is great, simple and just what I needed. The video is about what meditation is about. It covers it completely in two minutes. And actually, it’s what got me started. Despite the on again off again trying going back to 1976.
Ah Freedom! I could walk without a walker. I could, well, not much more. It was on the 24h of September that I left the Kaiser ICU-Coronary and was sent to a rehabilitation center. I’d gotten pretty restless and floated the idea of going straight home. Bad idea. I still had a tube into my stomach to eat from. That wasn’t enough for me to agree to it. At least at the start.
I’d like to say we celebrated the day of getting out of the hospital. But turthfully we’re so acclimated that I had to look up the date. I’m pretty sure it was the 24th. Four weeks to the day after I went in for my TAVR. A year later I do get a clench in my stomach thinking about it. But each day I get a bit stronger, a bit more optimistic about the future.
You have read it here. My blog posts. They’re now in print. Well, sorta. I’m learning a bit about book making. One of my first efforts was this collection of what I wrote here in August.
Wanderings in Print
I took in a couple of copies to Bobby Amrahamson’s monthly Photo Salon. We meet, we talk mostly about photographs. It is a good thing to belong to, I’m grateful to Bobby for asking me to participate. I also took in another couple of booklets I’ve made, as examples.
Aside from the very nice comments by people the ending question was “what’s next?” I replied with my plan to keep making books. Lots of them. On a to be determined group of topics. I am a wander, a Saunter-er.