Loving Languages and Latin

Spanish is the Number One speakers studying English on Duolingo. That’s the #1 of all the X learning Y in the world. There are 96 languages being taught by Duolingo. I could be part of that crowd, except I’m a native English speaker. So I’m part of the #2 group, English speakers studying Spanish. I recently added Frech to my list of languages. I’m studying it with my nephew Mason. That’s #3 on the list.

As an English speaker, there are 36 languages to choose from. I’ve been studying Latin for a bit of time now. That makes three languages to learn. It ranks #54 among the group of languages. They include constructed languages Esperanto and High Valyrian.

In Latin I managed to get them all correct today. Except, well, check this out:

Spelling in Latin

Yes, I completed my list by misspelling all four words. I expect them to become less lenient further in the course.

If you have been wondering about a language, well Duolingo is a great way to go. It is free if you are tolerant of advertisements. I am not. I pay them. And it is so worth it – even from an entertainment perspective.

Starting A New Thing

There’s this thing, One Typed Page (see the link above) that encourages people to submit anything typewritten. A few months ago friend Kent Peterson suggested I might like to submit to the thing. A few weeks ago (August 9) editor Daniel Marleau wrote well, see below. I finally did it.

~ Michael Rasmussen

As you can tell, clean typewriting isn’t necessary. A full-page isn’t necessary. All you need to do is type it, photograph it, and email it to the editor.

You can visit the page or review what I wrote earlier or just subscribe and see what people who like typewriters have to say.