What was to be my last big appointment wasn’t
The doctor was ever so helpful with the things she can’t help me with. She did verify the physical heath of my eyes. And she did refer me to the, hopefully, correct specialist. In the meantime I wait for a cal to schedule my hopefully last specialist. In the meantime I sit in the dilated, overexposed world.
By The Numbers
TAVR &Adventure By The Numbers
1 Surgery Scheduled
7 Surgery Performed
3 Daily Pills Consumed
21 Daily Pills Consumed
2 Days in hospital expected
28 Days in hospital
14 Days in
59 Days with Mom
0 Days spent kicking all painkillers
5 Visit from dogs
4 Days with no memories, total blackout
9 Cardiologist MDs, that I’m aware of
3 Other MDs
3 Home visit RN nurses
18 Both facility RN nurses, that I remember
6 Nurses that assisted with taking a bath
1 Birthdays with no memory
7 Relatives visiting
5 Hours spent withTV entertainment, total
22 Days without bathing
1 Outdoor walk
5 New scars
26 Pounds lost
28 New stitch lines from sternum cracking
4 Average number of daily walks in
2468 Emails backed up
654 Spam or political emails
PS, Numbers from contributes
1 Life saved
108 Pages filled with notes (should have been up in the main. This is what I did instead of watching TV.)
I Am Back
I’m back from the near dead.
Not that you could tell based on my activity here.
Voting 2018
We, we did it. You do it.

Summer of Anticipation
More than any other season summers seem to have themes. At least this is true in my life. 2017 was The Glide Path to Retirement. 1979 was The Time of Red Wine and Steamer Clams. 2005 was The Return to
This summer, 2018, has been the Summer of Anticipation. In May an echocardiogram showed severe aortic stenosis. A condition which if left untreated has a death rate of over 80% within five years. Fortunately, it is a treatable condition. As this appears I’m in the hospital for a TAVR – transcatheter aortic valve replacement. From May until now I’ve been going through diagnostic testing to assure I’m fit for the procedure and waiting for the next step.
Today is the final step and my Summer of Anticipation draws to a close.