This poster has appeared in our neighborhood. If you can help find our missing robot, Please Do!

Yeah, OK, I’m kidding. Robots like this one have appeared throughout the years. This is a way for us to say Thank You!
I was wondering and wrote about it
This poster has appeared in our neighborhood. If you can help find our missing robot, Please Do!
Yeah, OK, I’m kidding. Robots like this one have appeared throughout the years. This is a way for us to say Thank You!
Back in
And there it sat. Waiting for me to come back and follow my own advice. Get more exercise, worry less. Um, yeah. Wait, did I write “Exercise, Worry” or “Exercise, Writing”? Um, err, well there is more to do of both.
How do you follow your own advice.
Forgotten a bunch of it? The question does not apply to those under 40. For the rest of us, with lots of things to remember, how’s the memory going?
I was going through my photo collection. There was a collection of what we got on the farm share. There was a time when I photographed t-shirts because I could limit myself to black, beer t-shirts and I had too many. Of course, there’s a collection of photos for each trip, Mexico, Bali, Beijing, La Manga and Barcelona, and another to Buenos Aries and Bogota. There was a collection of photos for FredFest and feet and just wandering around.
I started to create a personal history of just photography. And then there’s looking at the images. Who has enough wall space to hang up all the memories?
When I get done with that, or done enough, I’ll work on another history. Like my scar collection. Or my bicycling. Or my whatever I can make a list of. So I can remember.
A To Do lists in not one that I have. But there are a few. Like these.
This is a list of what I read from May through July. It seems to be pretty light reading. Well, to my eyes. What about you?
I’m currently reading Soft Hearted Stories, from Jenny Forrestor and Vonnegut’s Cat’s Cradle.