I want a walk and a bouquet of flowers.
My Sweetie
That is her reason for today. It is a great reason to be alive and out and everything.
I was wondering and wrote about it
I want a walk and a bouquet of flowers.
My Sweetie
That is her reason for today. It is a great reason to be alive and out and everything.
A year ago I posted this:
If you are familiar with a place that works, that makes things, you are perhaps familiar with the sing X Days Without an Accident.
I am starting a sign at my house. As of today we have
One Day Without Hospitalization.
I was up to 366 days. It is time to work on a new record.
I am back again again. I have made it, a year. Back into over a year without being hospitalized. We are at 366 days without being in a hospital. Now I am shooting for as much as I can. This is a streak for the first time in five years or more.
[This is a reprint from My Typed Page. It seems big.]
I am obsessed. My name is Michael and I am obsessed.
I don’t know when it started. It grew on me. I did not admit to it early in my life. But now, well now, I need to admit it and live up to it.
I find something that is neat, bicycling, Linux 0S for computers, roasting coffee, watercolors, woodworking… the list of things that I have been obsessed goes on and on. I hear about something I read up on it. I buy a thing. Then another. And another. And it goes on. At least with software for Linux it is all free. Want to do video editing? Which one do you want? Download the top three or four and try them out. Yes, that is cheap. Not so with everything. But, you know, I have to have things and try them.
Lately, my obsession is with fountain pens. Why? They do write beautifully. Especially colors! I have a set of cartridges there are six colors there. But the blue is not quite right. So I bought a set of three Japanese, ooohhh Japanese!, a sampler set. And then, as I do I was in a group on the internet, there is always a group on the internet, I heard about a company in Pennsylvania that made inks. Oh so pretty! “Weathered Brick” is a brownish-reddish I am waiting for, along with two other inks. They are only nine-ounce ones. And pens. I am looking at four pens, all different. I “needed” to have the four pens to find out what one is right for me. Well, there is a set coming from China – eight pens for $10. I had to try them. And then today. Yeah, today. I was watching reviews. Wouldn’t you? And there was one on “Five Best Pens for under $5” OK it was put out in January but it was also Australian. Hey, that means 71 cents USD to one AUD. Wow! That means pens for around $3.50. I watched. Hey! There is a pen I ordered today! And those! They are like the TWSBI pens, err sorry, pen I have. I checked eBay and still today you can get a set of four pens for $7.50. Holy cow. I did.
Because I am obsessed. What is a couple of weeks of waiting for a shipment from China Post? I could have bought one for $7.95 … but I am obsessed.
— MichaelRpdx :: h3k
P.S. – Why have so many inks to choose from and only a pen or two?
Accounting for now having lived that long, what have you done consistently, say six days a week, for your life? Herb Caen did that. He was a newspaper columnist for 6o years. He did miss four years. Had to go off to a four-year stint in WWII. But six days a week since 1938 … it boggles the mind. He was great to read. Well duh, I came to him after 40 years of experience.
What have you done that consistently? Maybe this is a hint about how to get great at what you do. Every day. A “little bit”. Everyday. Well, take a day off each week.